Le Centre de droit international a le plaisir de vous inviter au dernier Midi du Centre de l’année 2021 qui se tiendra en anglais le lundi 13 décembre et aura pour titre : « A Scorpio that Stings itself ? The War on Terror and Human Rights in Afghanistan and the Sahel ». Il sera animé par Sari Kouvo, professeure à l’University de Göteborg (Suède) mais actuellement détachée comme conseillère auprès du Service européen pour l’action extérieure (SEAE) de l’Union européenne.
Elle présente l’objet de son intervention orale de la façon suivante : « Between 2004 and 2019, I followed developments in Afghanistan closely, especially the dissonances between the international war on terror and state-building efforts focused on human rights and gender equality, and between international and national agendas and local realities. When the Taliban toppled the Afghan government in August 2021, I had just shifted my attention to another troubled area, the Sahel. In media, think tanks and beyond, discussions are ongoing about whether lessons can be learnt from the failed intervention and disastrous exit from Afghanistan, for interventions and exists elsewhere, including the Sahel. While every country and conflict is unique, the international toolbox for engaging in conflict situation and countering terror have become quite standard. The urgency often present in engagements focused on counter-terrorism often lead to marginalization of aspects of international law, not the least human rights and humanitarian law. The aim of this seminar is to discuss the (marginal) role played by human rights and humanitarian law in Afghanistan, and to begin to articulate points of comparison with the European engagements in the Sahel. »
Pour en savoir davantage sur Sari Kouvo : « On leave of absence from her associate professorship at the Department of Law of Gothenburg University, Sari Kouvo currently works as an adviser within the Secretariat for the Security and Stability in the Sahel (S.P3S) within the EEAS. Sari’s previous engagement include co-director of the Afghanistan Analysts Network, Head of Program at the International Centre for Transitional Justice, advisor to the European Union Special Representative for Afghanistan, researcher at Amnesty International and researcher and lecturer at the Department of Law at Gothenburg University. She has held visiting fellowships and lectured at several universities, including Univrsité libre de Bruxelles, Vrije universiteit Brussel, Kent university, Birkbeck university, Åbo Academy, Australian National university and NATO Defense College. Sari’s publications focus on, inter alia, Afghanistan, conflict, international law, human rights, transitional justice and gender. Originally from Finland, Sari currently lives in Brussels ».
Pour rappel les midis du Centre de droit international se déroulent de 12h15 à 14h, à la salle de réunion du Centre de droit international (6, Av. Paul Héger, 1050 Bruxelles, Bâtiment H, 5ème étage, local H5.159). L’inscription obligatoire se fait via ce formulaire. Des rafraîchissements et sandwichs sont offerts sous réserve d’inscription avant 15h00 le jour ouvrable précédant l’événement. Toute personne désirant un sandwich pourra, sous cette seule condition, en bénéficier. En cas d’inscription, nous vous remercions de venir effectivement à la séance ou, en cas d’empêchement impromptu, de nous prévenir aussitôt que possible.